Rotary Club of Tirupur Thirumuruganpoondi - Rotary India

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Charter President

Jan 2009- June 2010


Poondi Rotary chartered in the year 2009 with 37 members as founder members.

PDG Rtn.Prakash installed the club in the year 2009 , Jan 7th in the grand function held at IKF Hall , Poondi . Rotary club of Tirupur Metal town sponsored our Poondi Rotary club . Rtn.PP.C.Subramaniam , was appointed as the GSR for our club.

In the year 2010 , with good support of all members , following projects executed..

1. Poondi Rotary sponsored 3 new clubs .. Rc of Tup Cottoncity, Rc of Tup Metropolis and Rc of Tup Kumaran .

2. 7 cents vaccant site worth 7 lacs was purchased for Club building in that year .

3. 10 more new members inducted .

4. Poondi Rotary’s flagship permanent project Kakki uniform donation to Poondi Panchayat workers started on 2009 August 15th. Cost of the project 30000 Rs.

5.Rotaract club chartered .

6. New year celebration conducted in big way. Cost of the project 75000 rs

7. Family Get-together conducted regularly.

8. Voccational Excellency awards given to Dr.Rajan and Inspector Deivendran.

9. Educational aids given to the tune of 20000 Rs.

10. The club was awarded with best new club 2009-10 by then Dist Governor Rtn.Dr.Sagadevan .


The club Charter secretary was our beloved Rtn.PP.Vivekanandan


Rtn Koothabiran


5 more members inducted . 6 laks worth community service projects executed .

The Club Secretary was our beloved Rtn.

Rtn.B. Henry Rajesh



Under his president ship , he planned to construct the permanent building for club.

1. Conducted 2 fund raising projects for the same .

2.100% membership growth was achieved .

3. Projects worth 8 lacs executed in his period .

4. Constructed 1000 sq ft club hall during his period . Chairman for the building project was Rtn.Rajkumar . DG Inaugurated the new building.

5. Kakki uniform project executed for the third consecutive year.

6. The club was awarded with as best club in the award ceremony .

The Club Secretary was our beloved Rtn




1) Ground floor extension carried out. Cost of the project 20  laces. Rtn.PP.Shiva was the chairman.

2) First time two chits started in club for fund raising.

3) 10 new members inducted.

4) First time in club history, Women empowerment project executed under Central Government scheme. 100 women were completed tailoring training. For next four years, this project continued and around 500 women entrepreneurs were created.

5) One PHF contribution given to TRF.

6) Family Get-together projects executed every month.

7) Second phase building at ground floor , back sump with motor , bore well & front office room ,& toilet block is been executed in project chairmen Rtn shiva and club for Eb line is been planned and executed, chairmen Rtn Vivek , with our any dues or          loans outside ( building cost around 20 lks )

8) club bigger value chit executed for building

 9) Around 14 new members are indicated and family together executed in many members home in grand manner every month .

10) One phf contribution, pp Shiva had accepted and paid to Trf ,

11)  club women empowerment with trailering and embroidery class stared and successful in our hall and executed well and around 90 women’s completed  training .

12) One Rotarct  CLUB started and installed in big manner ( M. College students )

13 ) Projects & BULIDING worth 28 Lakhs  executed in this rotary year with the help of the ROTARIANS OF OUR CLUB


The Club Secretary was our beloved Rtn Gopi

Treasure: Rtn Karthikeyan


Rtn.T V Venkat



Club did following key projects in his period

1. District seminar conducted in a big way.

2.Mass desilting and cleaning project of Poondi Panchayat’s only water body Rasatha kulam was executed at a cost of 5 lacs. Rtn.PP.Shivasubramaniam was the chairman .

3. Conducted mega state level Business entrepreneurship meeting at Coimbatore . Then Karnataka CM sitharamaiah was the chief guest.

4.A new club Rc of Annur was Chartered.

5. Projects worth 20 lacs executed in this period.

* Club was awarded with best president awarded by then DG Dr.Senthilnathan Shiva.


The Club Secretary was our beloved Rtn




1. Muperum Vizha was conducted . Kakki uniform donation, Financial aids to sanitary workers and Awards for best Teachers . Cost of the project 1 lac Rupees .Chief Guest TN Govt Forest Dept Minister M.Anandan

2. 6 new Rotary clubs chartered . This is the highest achievement not executed by any other club in our District 3202.

3. 10 water purifiers donated to various schools.

4. First time in club history , with the the support of GLOBAL Grand , 2 toilet blocks were donated to two Government schools.

5. Six Smart class rooms donated to Poor Government Schools .

6. 1000 sq ft First floor at a cost of ten lakhs constructed for Club.

7. First MD of our Poondi Rotary Rtn.Senthil donated 10000$ to TRF. 9 PHFs also given to TRF.

8.Best President and Secretary awards to Poondi Rotary given by DIST Governor .

9. We have done one big Project with Collector.

10.We have done Mupperum Vizha with State Minister MSN Anandham..

11.First in our club History We had one District seminar for RI & DIST – PRIORITIES  in IKF HALL –TIRUPUR - conducted in our club History and Chairman Rtn. PP. Sa. Samandham. very good impact in the district

 12.Also my period opened 6 new clubs  STARTED

13.We have done Mupperum Vizha with State Minister MSN Anandham.. These also first of our club History

     We had one


The Club Secretary was our beloved Rtn




01. Strategic Seminar meet organised by RC TM Poondi Chairman Rtn PP Henry Rajesh, Chief Guest RID Rtn Manoj Desai In the presence of DG Rtn George Sundaraj

02. PETS and SETS called Apoorvam hosted by RC TM Poondi Chairman Rtn PP Sa.Samandham, in the presence of Rtn JP DGE at Mysore

03. Membership Orientation program hosted by RC TM Poondi Chairman Rtn Ravindrakumar in the presence of DG Rtn George Sundarraj

04. Mega musical night event for Public Image conducted by RC TM Poondi Chairman Rtn PP Venkat in the presence of DG Rtn George Sundarraj for eradicating of Seemai Karuvelam tree, more than 5000 people at AVP trust school, well supported            by Rtn Karthikeyan Chairman AVP Trust.

05. First time WINS projected started by Rotary India and RC TM Poondi adapted 10 government schools in Poondi Panchayat, Chairman Rtn Chakrapani

06. Seemaikaruvel tree eradication started by RC TM Poondi and given awareness to entire Tirupur District inaugurated by RID Rtn Manoj Desai and DG Rtn George Sundarraj, Chairman Rtn Vivekanandan

07. Rotary International project with RC Jaffna Srilanka given 500 sets of books and cycles to School students in Srilanka and attended the meeting conducted by RC Colombu with RI President Rtn Ravindran, Chairman Rtn Ramushanmugam

08. Family get together every three months and trip to

      ECO Tourism to Pillur Dam one day program with rotary family members, Chairman Rtn Sivakumar.


Governor Rtn George Sundarraj Zonal Coordinator Rtn Nagesh

The Club Secretary was our beloved Rtn N Sriraman

Treasurer Rtn S Thirumoorthy



Rtn.PP.T.P. Vivekanandan



1.Mega TRF Seminar conducted at IKF hall. Best registration achived & 830 members attended. Chairman Rtn.Sa.Samandham.

2. Joint Installation of president’s along with 10 other Rotary clubs. First time in District history.

3.Meha medical camp conducted at AVP college, Poondi.

4.Womens day celebrations conducted at Avinashi, ADSP Mr.Pandiyarajan IPS Chief guest of this function

5. Kakki uniform project executed.




1.Two International projects executed . One at Srilanka and other at Nepal.

2. All meetings conducted for the whole year.

3.Twin club Accord signed with Nepal Rotary club .

4.School Renovation project executed at a cost 1 lac at two Government schools .

5. First time in Poondi Rotary history , visited International Rotary Convention at Atlanta, USA.

6. Conducted Family Get-together projects .

7. Became MPHF also.

8. Supported our sponsored TYG Rotaract club to achieve the best Rotaract club in this year .


Rtn.PP. MPHF Francis


1.Poondi Rotary’s second permanent project building for Poondi Panchayat Public Library was constructed at a cost of 4 lacs.

2.TRF fund given for the amount

3. A new club , Rc of Perumanallur chartered with 25 new members.


  Rtn.PP PHF.Ravideera Kumar


1.. A new club ,Rc of Anandham chartered with 25 new members.

1.EllamInbamyam State fellowship seminar was contucted there  was good response from all the clubs.

2.TRF fund given for the amount of is 2061$  for the year towards Annual Fund and PolioFund.

4.Aram, the TRF seminar and CSR conclave was contuctedat Radisson blu, Coimbatore.






1.A year filled with many new beginnings for RC Tirupur Thirumuruganpoondi. Under the leadership of Dr.Hari vira vijayakant , the club started its new ongoing project POONTHALIR providing health mix, protein powder and fruits to pregnant women visiting Thirumuruganpoondi PHC.

2.The previous and prestigious ongoing project providing KHAKI UNIFORM to all the sanitary workers of Thirumuruganpoondi panchayat was conducted in a grand manner with Assistant commissioner Mr.Vetrivendhan as chief guest. 136 workers got benefitted, at a project cost of 152000. Project Chairman Rtn.Panneerselvam Co Chairman Rtn.John Kennedy.

3.Another excellent ongoing project GIFT OF HEART providing free heart surgeries to children with congenital anomalies in association with MGM healthcare Chennai and Aishwarya trust Chennai was inaugurated by IPDG Rtn.A.Karthikeyan. all the clubs in Tirupur region were cohost to this noble project. Out of 56 children screened 21 were shortlisted for surgery.project chairman IPP.Rtn.Raveendira Kumar And cochair Rtn.Dr.Karthikeyan

4.Desilting of Rasathal kulam done after 6 years. Being the only drinking water reservoir of the area, the project had great public image. It was inaugurated by IPDG Rtn.A.Karthikeyan ,in the August presence of Thirumuruganpoondi town panchayat executive officer Mr.T.Eswaramoorthy. The project chairman Rtn.R.Rajkumar, co-chairman Rtn.A.Prakash.

5.Breast feeding awareness campaign was done in association with IMA Tirupur. Awareness speech was given by Dr.Rajkumar secretary, IMA tirupur in the presence of Dr.Ramesh, Treasurer, Dr.Bommusamy,Joint secretary, Dr.Prakash SCM, IMA Tiruppur. chairman Rtn.Poongodi sivakumar and cochairman Rtn.Jayanthi Elangovan

6.17 new members were inducted as new members Chief guest DGE.Rtn.MD.Shanmugasundaram Guest of honor DGN.Rtn.MD.Elangkumaran

7.RC Tirupur Thirumuruganpoondi RC Tirupur South Rajini Makkal Mandram, Tirupur Jointly conducted blood donation camp at south Rotary hall, tirupur.

8.Cricket tournament and football tournament were conducted.

9.Financial aid given to an auristic child

10.TRF contribution of 15000 USD was done.(7 PHF,3 MPHFgiven)

club secretary was Rtn.N.Kathirvel

club treasurer was Rtn.Ramu Shanmugam



1. Covid Mega 3 Vaccination Camps are conducted and total beneficiaries of 600.

2.Ongoing project of Khakhi Uniform (13th year) distributed to municipality scavengers of beneficiaries 150.

3.Ongoing project of Poondhalir (2nd year) conducted in our area Primary Health Centre every month of second Tuesday. Total beneficiaries of 600.

4.New ongoing project Eggathon i.e, Eggs are supplied every week to orphanage for protein supplement. Total beneficiaries of 2400.

5.Rotaract club of TYG and KPR installation, PETS and SETS training program sent to their Presidents and Secretaries.

6.Educational Aid given to 19 Schools and College students.

7.District level Shuttle Tournament was conducted.

8.Disease prevention (Cleaning of Environment) done.

9.Artificial limbs provided to 15 physically challenged person.

10.Polio Day visited 10 Government Schools and Primary Health Centre and arranged food for them, Polio Banners and awareness were given.

11.Club Three Bulletins were released.

12.Two Joined Assembly Meetings and 2 Assembly Meetings were conducted.

13.TRF Contributed of $22000 (12PHF’s, 9MPHF’s next level stages, 1Major Donor).

14. District Priorities Governor’s Goal maximum area covered.

15.Global Grant Project joined with Rotary Club of Metal Town for 15nos. toilets construction in Govt. Girls School.

16. Our club got 52 District Awards in different areas. ( Incl. of Appreciation award got by President and Outstanding Club award)

17. RI Dist.3090 District level Fellowship with Seven Families received by our Rtn.PP.Sammandham. Four days accompanied with them.

18. Five New Members added in this year.